
The Farm Forestry Toolbox is a collection of computer programs (called tools) designed to assist owners and managers of small to medium-sized forests map, measure, and manage their estates.

First conceived by Dr Andy Warner, and with contributions by many, Toolbox has been developed by Adrian Goodwin and Andy Warner since 1996. Versions 1.0 to 5.3 were funded by the Australian Federal Government as encouragement for private forest development, and owned and managed by Private Forests Tasmania (PFT). Since version 5.4 it has been owned and managed by Adrian Goodwin. A comprehensive history and description has been compiled in Wikipedia.

Toolbox installation files can be downloaded from here, or the PFT web site. It is free to download and use.

Tools are categorized as HAND tools, POWER tools, EDITORS, and the HEALTH tool.

Please note that some of the tools demonstrated in the following linked YouTube videos may not show recent modifications.

HAND tools are mostly simple, stand-alone programs.

POWER tools are sophisticated inter-related programs requiring data from various EDITORS

EDITORS change system-wide settings and prepare data for use by the POWER tools.

The HEALTH tool is a visual disease identification key for blue gum and radiata pine in southern Australia.